What is the advantage and disadvantage of AC and DC Adapters? How to work Alternating Current for you!
Most of us have several AC adapters in our home; we use them for so many things from charging laptops to charging our cell phones. You may even have some in your home but not even know it- when AC adaptors are used to charge electronic devices, they’re often referred to simply as “chargers.” However, an AC adapter is a type of external power supply, also referred to as plug-in adapter or power brick, that can charge anything from a cell phone to a camera battery. When it comes to AC adapters, they should be a staple item in every professional cameraman’s toolkit. If this is the first time you’re hearing of the importance of A/C adapters, you have no idea what you’ve been missing out on.
So the first question many people have about AC adapters is obvious: what does an AC adapter do? An AC adapter acts as a way to make electronic equipment, such as professional cameras and laptops, lighter and smaller by providing a way to recharge the device instead of inserting a complete internal power supply. Can you imagine how large a laptop would be if its battery had to last, well...forever? AC adaptors can charge a variety of devices because of the versatile way in which they alternate the direction of the electronic current and convert voltage levels.
Another common question is: What makes AC adapters special? AC adapters work differently There are two types of adaptors: AC adapters and DC adapters. DC stands for direct current, which means that the electric charge will flow in one direction; however, AC adapters have an alternating current, meaning that the electric charge flows both ways. The electricity in AC adapters constantly switches directions. Alternating current can be beneficial because the electricity voltage can convert easily to either high or low voltage levels, which typically makes AC adapters the most economical option.
In the professional photography industry, AC adapters are more than helpful- they’re necessary. Those who work in professional photography prefer AC adapters that can charge batteries while also charging a video camera. AC adapters are a convenient tool that make the lives and jobs of professional photographers much easier. At DandO Lighting, we offer AC adapters better than the leading brand. They are extremely versatile, as they can charge anything with a dtap port and are very affordable. D&O Lighting is the official online retailer for Comer products and they do have quite a wide selection. One of the most popular AC adapters available on the site is the BCC2 battery, which can charge Sony and Anton Bauer Gold batteries with dtap sockets. The BCC2 can also charge replacement batteries; one charge will last 4-6 hours and can be recharged up to 500 times. In addition to their amazing products, DandO Lighting offers 24/7 customer service and are incredibly dedicated to satisfying their customers. They don’t just want to sell products- they want to get to know their customers so they can find a product that meets their needs perfectly. Whether you need to replace your AC adapter or purchase one for the first time, D&O is the place to go.
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